In an editorial Saturday, the Miami Herald weighed in on putting dredge fill from the port tunnel on Virginia Key:
In January, the city of Miami signed an agreement with Miami Access Tunnel, the company in charge of the massive project, allowing it to deposit up to 55,000 cubic yards of material displaced from the drilling preparation and drilling itself on Virginia Key’s northwest coast. In exchange, the company promised to use the fill to build a berm around the unsightly — and odoriferous — Virginia Key sewage plant. And:
Virginia Key should not become a casualty of the Big Dig. It is one of the few waterfront locations for family recreation in the city, and must be protected — even as a deeper port propels Miami forward.
The Miami Herald suggests that environmentalists should offer alternatives for the deposit of dredge fill. Is that not the job of the agencies involved, to find a suitable place, that does no harm, when they sign off on a project?
Great post! What will happen to the great bike trails, beaches, mangroves- NO ONE wants Virginia Key turned into industrial wasteland. WHY AREN'T our local officials dealing with this responsibly and properly???