The photo above is from google maps. This billboard has been the subject of an ongoing lawsuit. The building is empty and its revenue comes from its use as a billboard.
According to reporter Andres Viglucci who has been following the case:
Now an appeals court has handed the county a clear-cut victory that may put an end to the legal fracas, ruling that the signs must come down.
The decision by a three-judge panel of the Third District Court of Appeal, issued Wednesday, also represents a boost for billboard opponents mustering a campaign to stop the proliferation of ads along the city’s expressways.
Ernie Martin has been heading the UEL committee on this issue. Barbara Bisno, a longtime UEL member and a future recipient of an UEL orchid June 15th, is one of opponents that Viglucci referred to. Bisno, a co-founder of Scenic Miami-Dade, said:
This is a great decision for our community in our effort to secure and preserve a safe environment and our natural beauty. The county sign ordinance is a major protection for all residents from visual pollution.
Come see her and other billboard activists get their orchids on June 15 and perhaps think about joining Barabra's Group.
a great decision! Let's hope the tide is turning. Great work Ernie and Barbara.