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Miami Dade County Community Forum
On October 23, 2006, members of Take Back The Land reclaimed publicly owned land in the Liberty City section of Miami, creating the self governed shantytown of Umoja Village. In the wake of public housing vacancies, corrupt city officials and flawed federal programs, a community found the unrelenting courage to fight back. Using minimal resources such as discarded plywood, packing palettes, and tin roofs, a collective group of activists, Umoja residents, and community supporters built temporary housing units for 53 displaced residents.
In spite of police arrests, court battles, interpersonal conflicts, and the devastating fire which would reduce the village to ashes, the Umoja clan stood strong with unbridled spirits, proving the power of determination and perseverance.
This book documents the planning, development, struggles and triumphs endured by Take Back The Land activists and Umoja Village residents, and tackles the larger fundamental issues of land and power distribution in black communities.
Urban Environment League’s 2009
Community Dinner Series & Free Program
Date: Wednesday, October 21, 2009
‘NEW’ Location: Rusty Pelican Restaurant, Virginia Key
Topic of Program:
New Horizons of Land Activism?
A Discussion with Author/Activist Max Rameau
on Housing as a Human Right in Miami
Max Rameau, featured in Michael’s Moore’s new Film Capitalism: A Love Story, led the effort to secure land for the Homeless at Umoja Village and other Miami area locations. Max’s organization, and the name of his recently published book,Take Back the Land, provides a provocative mode of approaching issues of poverty and property ownership. The UEL seeks to expand public understanding about our evolving and intersecting rights to public space, housing and employment in contemporary Miami. The interviewer will be UEL Vice President Gregory Bush.THE VENUE: The Community dinner will be held at the beautiful Rusty Pelican. Cash Bar meet & greet starting at 5:45. Good opportunity to say hello to old friends and make new ones! From 6:30 to 7:30 a delicious 3 course dinner will be served at a special price of $25 (with tax and tip included)!! And the spectacular view of downtown is free! The free public program begins at: 7:30 and concludes at 9 pm.
You must RSVP for the Dinner, please contact the UEL before Oct 20 at : email uelinfo@bellsouth or phone 786-472-0011 (there is a 24 hour cancellation policy)
Want to know about Max? Background Website:
A significantly pared-down blueprint for the battered but ecologically rich island's makeover is now set for review Monday by the city's waterfront advisory board, before a Thursday vote at the city commission.